Saturday, April 9, 2011

10 Tips For Beginner Yogis Before Taking That First Step

I would like to post the following tips with the intention of giving those with the intention of practicing but have been skeptical about it do to several issues. I hope, with these tips, they will be more motivated and confident in taking that first step to this invaluable practice and experience the ultimate joy.

1. There are so many things in the world that you can be nervous about. Yoga is NOT one of them. Remember that the main benefit of the practice is to reduce stress, not create one. So just take it easy and have fun in class!

2. Know that although the class you attend would be a beginner's class, not necessarily that everyone is going to be a beginner. There would be people of all levels. The important thing is NOT to follow what they are doing. Try to listen carefully to the teacher's instructions. Trust your ears, not your eyes.

3. Bring with you an open mind to try new challenges and an openness in receiving new information. This is because you will be given a lot of instructions about movement, which you have never done before. And you need to be able to trust it and execute it.

4. Have high respect for your breath and give it your utmost priority over the postures. Your breath represents your life support and your practice represents your life. Thus if you do not have a good life support, you will not have a good life. Always be conscious about your breath. Keep it smooth and long. Never hyperventilate or hold it unless otherwise instructed.

5. Honor your own body and 'listen' to your body's needs rather than it's wants. When executing the postures, and in adjusting it, always find a position where there is a balance between comfort and effort, then move towards stillness and allow the body to simply feel and adapt to the pose.

6. If you have to look at others to check on the pose, never see whats happening from the waist up. BUt copy your neighbor from the waist down as you want to see their foundation, which is made up of the core and the legs. See their positioning of the feet/foot and how they ground them firmly on the mat.

7. DO NOT FORCE or over exert yourself in the execution of the pose. You need to acknowledge the limits of your body and work with your own level. Doing things that is over-exerting is just risking yourself to injuries. That would in turn, pull your muscles and even stress your entire structure, which defeat the whole purpose of reducing stress.

8. The best attitude to cultivate when in practice is to be tolerant and accept your limitations and not become enraged by it. Everyone has a bad day. Honor the things you can do and do not fret about the things you can't .

9. Practice your asanas with an intention, not with tension. Have the intention to be kind to your own body and trust your breath to keep you safe.

10. DO NOT BE SHY about coming to a resting pose and not being bothered by how people would judge you. If you don't take care of your own body, who would?

I hope those are useful for you and helpful when you go to your next practice. If 10 is hard to remember, just choose 1 or 2 of the above first and remember them well and choose 2 more after that and repeat what you did and so forth with the rest. Once you have , put it to practice the next time you come to class, I can guarantee that you will experience a lot more awareness towards your own body and discover new things about your body's potential.

Have a great weekend peeps.



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