Monday, March 7, 2011

A Practice with more focus and awareness

Of late, My Yoga Sanctuary have been getting new members. It was motivating to see new people signing up with the intention of taking care of their health, be it physically, emotionally or mentally. In the practice of yoga, eventually it teaches you how to stay calm and compose in a challenging situation.

Since last week, I had from only 1 to 11 students in a class and they ranged from the absolute novice to the most advanced practitioner. Those that came alone benefitted the most as they would have the privilege of turning it into a private class. This way, they can personally work either with a particular injury or other physical issues. Some would want to work on a pose that they have not been able to do after many practices. But one thing for sure, I will not cancel any classes unless it is necessary.

Every yoga class has its different feel, different intensity and different levels of energy. To me, even if there is only ONE student, I will still rather to have a class then canceling any of them.

In a nut-shell, never ever skip your practice as you may never know what you'd achieve in that particular class. Also being consistent in your practice is important for us to monitor progress and to have a routine practice allows us to see our weakness id and particularly observe our bodies , our heart to fix the particular issues.


1 comment:

  1. I had the opportunity of a private class with Viviane at MYS when she replaced your class and she worked on poses to open the tight spots in my body with my elbow injury in mind. It was a really a privilege as I was doing the poses with more awareness and focus on every part of my body.

    Having started back my practice with my elbow still recovering, I realize the importance of a consistent practice for my body and mind. I also noticed that there is a shift in my practice as I am now more aware of my body and is focusing my breath to those painful areas which helped to relieve the discomfort. Guess it takes an injury for me to really learn how to observe my body well!

