Thursday, March 24, 2011

QUAKE - Quantum of Knowledge and Experience day

Venue - My Yoga Sanctuary @ 1 Bukit Utama Condo
Date - 23 April, Saturday
Time - 1400hrs

Participate in this regular impromptu event, where there will be no holds bar to the truth and sincerity. As participants show their utmost honesty on the subject they want to either share, demonstrate or reflect, this day could be your most important day, this event could be your life changing moment or MYS could be THE place to find your solace and to let go.

The set up will be a class like type. The "Teacher" will be anyone of
you and the participants. It is absolutely OPTIONAL. You can also decide if you want to do it on the day itself or simply be an audience or student. Once you have decided on your subject, let me know and I will arrange the slot for you.

Participants are free to share anything as long as its not insulting, vulgar, offensive or inconsiderate. I will tolerate anything as long as its diplomatic. I will NOT tolerate anything that is deemed to be offensive, rude or illogical. Any teachers are welcome to share their experience as well.

Participants may sing a song, read a poem or any poetry, dance, share their yoga experience/s, teach a new artistry on anything, share a recipe (I hope there will be cos i love this), share a new technique in an asana (yoga pose), demonstrate a yoga posture, perform a sequence (limit to 3 minutes) or divulge benefits / contraindications of a yoga posture.

A small donation box will be placed in the changing room and you can list down charities that you would like your donation to go to. Otherwise, we will keep the donation to any rescue mission charity like Japan or Haiti.

You can also bring your entire family if you wish and maybe want to sing to them or simply express how you feel towards them or to anyone for that matter. I hope I will not regret saying that.:) Oh yeah, you can bring snacks too! Healthy ones ok? Best is to prepare and share it among others.

So lets make a point to come down to this beautiful day in conjunction with the official opening of MY YOGA SANCTUARY. I will highlight the event with my own Yoga Demonstration of a familiar sequence.

Thank you yogis and hope to see you there!

Namaste everyone,
Be Nice, Be Kind, Be Compassionate. Just BE.

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